J I M   J A C K S O N                            
                 30 Buena Vista Park,                                  phone:  6l7-864-9063
                 Cambridge, Ma, 02l40               website:
Career Highlights:

In a long career of diverse experience, Jim Jackson has pursued painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, film, video and various design and theatrical projects. He has shown work extensively.

Jim is a graduate of the University of Texas and Pratt Institute Graduate School where he studied with New York abstract expressionist George McNeil.

He was awarded a National Endowment for the Arts travel study grant on graduation from the University of Texas.  Also, he was awarded a separate NEA fellowship for study at Pratt Institute.

He has taught art in New York City and developed teaching and community outreach projects for the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Cultural Affairs Department.

In l975 E.P. Dutton published Seeing Yourself See with text and illustrations by Jim Jackson. This was followed by a presentation lecture to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Department of Education.

He is internationally known in the field of sex education for designing and producing reproductive anatomy teaching models. His company has been in business since l972.

In l984 he and his assistants designed and fabricated exhibits for the Children’s Zoo at Franklin Park, Boston.

He has served on the faculty of Suffolk University, New England School of Art and Design.

Spring and summer 2002, he was invited to design four stained glass windows and a large painting for the new home of Janet and Booker Bush, Wellesley, MA and then honored with an open house retrospective exhibition of paintings, sculptures and video, October 2002.

Some Recent Exhibitions:
December 2004, one person show at the Zeitgeist Gallery, Cambridge, MA
September 2006, group show “Making it New: McNeil and his Students,” Montserrat College of Art, Beverly, MA
September 2006 “Sacred Sense,” group show at the Nave Gallery, Somerville, MA
July and October 2006 group shows at the Pigmentia Gallery, Medford, MA
July 2008 group shows at the Moonfire Gallery, Putney, VT
Fall 2008 group show at the Somerville Museum, Somerville, MA
Summer 2010 show at the post office, W. Townshend, VT
April 2006-12 open studio shows Cambridge, MA